Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I LOVE LibraryThing

It's quick

It's easy

It's facinating

So much fun to see what people are reading, get recomendations, chat etc

In library land it's a great resource for BookClubs and reading groups, and as a way to get peer suggestions for storytimes and themed genre / author lists etc

Nice :D

Here's my LibraryThing link


pls@slnsw said...

I am glad that you are enjoying what you are discovering.


Lauviah said...

Hey, you could also join facebook, if only for the book recommendations (i don't suggest you start turning people into vampires just yet...). You can 'chuck a book' at someone or check out who's reading what. You can also rate what you've read, I think it's out of 5 stars. Could be worth a look - who knows, you might find some friends there :)