Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Google Docs and Zoho

Well, this is pretty great - no more attachments to go missing, fail being saved, crash and burn etc. Finaly there is a secure way to share documents with as many or as few as you need

In libraries there are applications for things like online progressive story writing for competitions and writing groups, staff meeting minutes and reports that people can add to as warranted, a fluid Suggestion For Purchase list that can be either restricted to staff &/or be made available to the public...

Actually I really like this last idea - the public could add suggestions and track to see if they were bought and when they have arrived so they can reserve them.....nice possibilities there for a more interactive, customer focussed collection

Sadly the slideshare thingie has been loading for a while now and it seems to be broken. I have had a look around the rest of the site and it's impressive. I guess it could be a type of online PowerPoint presentation?? (I'll check back in with the site later and see if I can load something up to see what it can actually do)

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